Women have always been prominent at Royal London

During World War II, our mutual society remained in business thanks to a diligent and energetic group of young women who filled the gaps left by our men in service.

Today, it's more important than ever to champion the work of women at Royal London, at a time when all of society must improve its approach to women in the workplace. With this in mind, we’ve made a commitment to tackling specific challenges surrounding gender equality.

Confidence and development are strong themes here and our Women's Network events focus on three key areas of team working, finance, and wellbeing, across two sub-groups – Women in Technology and Menopals.

Tackling the challenges of menopause

Our Menopause Policy gives our colleagues and leaders access to a wealth of menopause guidance, including how our other people policies can provide support during this challenging time of life. Our Menopause Taskforce brings our policy to life by building a culture where colleagues can openly discuss their menopause experiences and by raising awareness of the support available at Royal London. 

“It symbolises our commitment and proactive approach to creating a supportive and inclusive work environment. By actively addressing the challenges of menopause head-on, we’re not only supporting our colleagues but we’re setting a benchmark for workplace inclusivity too.”

Gwen, Menopause Taskforce Co-lead

Through our efforts, we’ve achieved some significant and positive outcomes for our colleagues:

  • Improved wellbeing with colleagues experiencing a greater sense of support, leading to better job satisfaction and productivity
  • Enhanced communication through open discussion about menopause, leading to better understanding between colleagues and leaders
  • Stronger teams thanks to a supportive environment, improved morale and collaborative working.

Our colleagues can also access support through our employee assistance programme. In addition, those who have selected our private medical insurance package also have access to a digital menopause information hub.

What our colleague say about our menopause support

“Talking in work has helped me realise I’m not alone.”

“It would’ve made a huge difference if I had this open culture, support and understanding during my menopause journey.”

“This group has really helped me as a leader to better support my colleagues.”

“Having access to reliable information, expert support and a thriving online community has made such a positive difference.”

“Menopause is now a topic that’s talked about much more openly – which can only be a good thing."

“I feel like I belong, my voice is heard and I’m not going through this alone.”

Women in Finance Charter

As part of our diversity and inclusion agenda, we’ve signed up to the Women in Finance Charter, a government initiative supporting the progression of women into senior roles in financial services.

  • the words women in finance charter around two hands holding in the shape of a heart

    It’s a promise we’ve made to Women in Finance, our people, and those who're considering joining us in future.

  • the words women in finance charter around two hands holding in the shape of a heart

    By signing the charter we've set ourselves a target to increase our women in senior leadership population from 33% in 2016 to 42% by the end of 2025.

  • the words women in finance charter around two hands holding in the shape of a heart

    By signing the charter we've committed to publish annual reports that outline the progress we’re making towards meeting our target to increase our women  in senior leadership population.

    See our reports here