Tell us a little bit about yourself, Mike.

I’ve been at Royal London for 21 years. My role is Principal Officer for the Colleague Representative Forum (CRF) and I’m based in Edinburgh.


What does your job involve day-to-day?

There is no typical day for me, which is a challenge, but also keeps my role interesting and exciting. I might be helping a colleague, advising Colleague Reps on more technical questions, working on communication articles, or developing and updating training for Reps. I also join external representation network events, develop the CRF Strategy, review proposed policy changes, feedback on change consultations, organise our quarterly tactical meetings.

Sometimes it’s simply taking time to talk to Reps, a colleague in need or stakeholders in the business to further an idea or address an issue.

How do you help Royal London to fulfil its Purpose?

The CRF works with individuals and the business to reach mutual solutions. We also work closely with the business on improving people policies, supporting people through change, recognising that the business must change and adapt over time, but that change must be done in the right way.

We're also here to help with effecting positive change to improve working life – including being instrumental in introducing Mental Health First Aiders and Wellbeing Champions.

Tell us why you’re proud to work at Royal London.

Royal London has invested in Colleague Representation, including my role and my deputies’ roles. I feel very privileged to be in this position, to help colleagues, to improve working life at Royal London. No-one comes to work intending to do a bad job, and we are here to support ALL our colleagues to find the best solution and outcomes to any problems that arise.